Monday, August 11, 2008

over a month. pathetic. as i gaze out the window at my neighbor's new siding in progress, i feel slightly chagrined at the low level of home improvement activity at city cabin. the male counterpart is off combining (excepting rain), and i've been spending many hours working at the barn (a real struggle, let me tell you). so, yeah. really, it's been enough just trying to keep the gardens alive. thanks, rabbits. jerks. so, a visual tour, in separate posts, of what's been going on for the last month. first, the pond.

water lettuce takeover!

requisite sun shot:

regrettably, the bloom lasted one day:

new resident. just kidding. this is from the bigger pond the male counterpart has been residing at:

a day in the life of a city cabin bird

big ball o' fuzz (this ball confuses everybody that visits. i hope this clarifies. if not, you're hopeless)

"i am a baby, therefore i nom nom nom"

baby oriole + sprinkler= easy entertainment

hawk 1, sparrow 0. i apologize for the picture quality. something about the shock of a hawk ten feet away in the yard, two vodka gimlets, sunset, and fumbling with the camera....

sparrows. oblivious. hence above photo.

those guys eat anything

swedish crayfish party (actually featuring one real swede! ((not pictured))):

farmer's market bounty (all local):

ikea bounty (all china):

farmer's market:

some party store bounty:

