Monday, March 10, 2008

the first post of the 1,673,995th blog in the world

first things first. it is very likely that i, cp, will be updating this blog most of the time. this is because my better half is more often found doing useful and important things, like car repair or hanging things up. he's really good at that. so, don't assume we're both lazy. that's just me.

secondly, the only reason i got hooked on the idea of a house blog is because of our old neighbors. so, berate them here:

oddly enough, the lovely woman who bought our old place has a blog, too. hers is of another popular sort--people who can and like to cook:

you will find that our old 'hood is much more hoppin' with excitement than this one. i won't lie. you are going to find mostly a lot of bird pictures. i blame my birding nerdness on sharon stiteler, who can be found here:

we sold our cool townhome last june, and bought this house the same day it was taken off the market. panic much? yes, i did. anyway, this is a little house in st. paul.

the place was built in the mid-forties. it used to have a trapdoor in the kitchen floor that led the basement. the people who lived here before us had really bad taste in color and few abilities in home repair. we aim to improve on what they left us.

so, in the spirit of being relatively unexciting and borderline nerdy, here is the coolest thing to happen today (other than it being my birthday and the first day of spring break)--a new bird sighting! i'm pretty sure it's a juvenile red bellied woodpecker. that, or an eagle.


TMill said...

Nice start to new blog... oh, by the way, Happy (insert secret #) Bday.

We had a woodpecker pecking our house yesterday. I guess I better dig through the snow and find our totally scary plastic owl.

FYI - you inspired me to move my rantings from myspace to blogspot... see my fun day at

Unknown said...

Nice new blog.

TL said...

Happy (belated) Birthday!